Climate & Conservation

Our climate is changing in ways that hurt our communities and cost lives, whether failing power grids, droughts impacting agriculture, more frequent wildfires and hurricanes destroying communities, or warming oceans affecting fisheries and harvests. Fortunately, the federal government, individual states, and private companies, are taking steps to preserve our natural resources, protect our communities, and transition towards greater energy efficiency and energy security. Importantly, these efforts are bipartisan.

We have worked with both former Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue and current Secretary Tom Vilsack, along with bipartisan leaders in Congress, to improve our nation’s workforce of wildland firefighters and conservation specialists. We organized widespread support in Congress, including 309 votes in the U.S. House of Representatives, to preserve our nation’s Civilian Conservation Centers. We also helped shape proposals for a Climate Corps in the Build Back Better Act that passed the House.

With new investments in the Inflation Reduction Act, the renewable energy economy is poised to expand significantly in the coming years. We are working with federal policymakers and employers to ensure that workers, particularly those from disadvantaged communities, are prepared to meet those needs.